2007 Outlook Express Conflict with Applied- Version 10.4

Started by Alan J Mac, July 07, 2010, 12:07:15 PM

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Alan J Mac

Our office ugraded to 10.4 on 6/1/2010 and upgraded all terminals to Outlook Express 2007.Has been running fine until yesterday. Applied is not  recongizing our email account, Outlook. When we try and send any attachment, our mail box or list of contacts does not come up, the attachment is OK, we have to manually type in the person's address, our signature is not availiable.

Once we send the email, no activity comes up in the Applied System. Also, if we check the sent items box, it does show up as sent at the very bottom as an old item with no reference to a date. The other party is getting the email.

Applied is aware of this, but no fix or what can be done.  Working with Advantage Micro to resolve.

Alan J Mac 925-283.6161  

So if you use email outside applied it works normal.  Inside it uses some proprietary Applied Messaging program instead..
Think I found it.
Go to MAIN screen, Tools, System Setup.   Uncheck box that says  "TAM Integrated E-Mail Messaging"
Close TAM and open again..


I emailed Alan and resolved.

Solution was:

Go to MAIN screen, Tools, System Setup.   Uncheck box that says  "TAM Integrated E-Mail Messaging"
Close TAM and open again..

Glad to see you make it to the site Alan!  :)

Bloody Jack Kidd

Sysadmin - Parallel42

Jeff Zylstra

"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop


Anyone know of Bob's fix will work with TAM Online? 

Quote from: Bob Connor on July 07, 2010, 12:52:13 PM

I emailed Alan and resolved.

Solution was:

Go to MAIN screen, Tools, System Setup.   Uncheck box that says  "TAM Integrated E-Mail Messaging"
Close TAM and open again..

Glad to see you make it to the site Alan!  :)
Dana Brinkerhoff