HP1100A printer/copier not printing

Started by DebAmstutz, August 26, 2015, 11:23:52 AM

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Yes, the printer in the subject line is a dinosaur, but until yesterday, it was working just fine.

Yesterday, a new user was added to the network and that printer should be working for that user but it will not print.  The printer has been unplugged and replugged, the workstation has been restarted, shut down and restarted, the printer has been deleted from the workstation and readded, and nothing prints.
The workstation has a 2nd network ID/password for the other user.  I wouldn't think that would make a difference.  The only other option I can think of is a cable problem and I haven't yet found another cable here to try.  The thing that gets me is that it was working fine before the new user was added, and to my knowledge, nothing else was changed on the workstation.  It's just goofy.

The IT guy hasn't found anything yet either.
Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week


Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security

Jim Jensen

Jim Jensen
CIC, CEO, CIO, COO, CFO, Producer, CSR, Claims Handler, janitor....whatever else.
Jensen Ford Insurance

Jeff Zylstra

How is it connected?  With a USB cable, or an ethernet/"internet" type cable?   Is it shared off from another computer?  How it is connected may give insights into what is going wrong.
"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop


The cable has a USB connection at the computer end (it plugs into a USB port) and a "pin" formation connection on the printer end.

I think the other user's network ID/password was tried yesterday afternoon and it still didn't print.

I've been busy with other stuff and haven't had the time necessary to devote to the matter, unfortunately. 

They don't print a lot of stuff up there, but it's good if printing can be done there due to the necessity of answering the phone.
Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week


Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week


Maybe there is a stuck job on the computer?  Check that c:\windows\system32\spool\PRINTERS doesn't have any tmp, spl, or shd files in it.  If so, stop the spooler service, delete them, start the spooler service.
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security


Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week


Unplugged and replugged - do you mean the power cord or the cord to the computer?

Can they print to other printers?
Coral Benton
Epic Online


Unpluggedreplugged from the power source and also from the workstation.  This workstation has no other physical printers available right now.  The receptionist rarely has large print jobs, and the other printers are too far away to be of practical use.
Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week


Maybe it's not compatible with hosted Exchange or Office 365 so it needs to be replaced  ;)
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security


Mark, it worked fine before the 2nd network ID was added to that workstation.  We've had Office365 for a couple of weeks now and Exchange for a lot longer.  It printed just fine until this week when the new person's network ID was added.
Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week


Quote from: DebAmstutz on August 27, 2015, 11:45:18 AM
Mark, it worked fine before the 2nd network ID was added to that workstation.  We've had Office365 for a couple of weeks now and Exchange for a lot longer.  It printed just fine until this week when the new person's network ID was added.

I was teasing Deb.  That thing is a dinosaur, that's all.
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security

Jim Jensen

It sounds like a good reason to get a new one honestly. The time being spent to try to figure out is better used on something else, or simply swap for a different printer that works with that station. I would say the only reason its still working on that station at all is because it also has an updated OS on the computer. I had a few of those a long time ago and don't even use one at home. Finally ran into compatibility issues with them.
Jim Jensen
CIC, CEO, CIO, COO, CFO, Producer, CSR, Claims Handler, janitor....whatever else.
Jensen Ford Insurance


Gotcha on the teasing.  ;D

I know it's a dinosaur but it has a small footprint for all it can do.

It's working as of about 12:10 this afternoon.  While the receptionist was at lunch, I manned the front desk, called the IT guy and after he connected and deleted the printer, I unplugged and replugged the power cord twice and voila! we have a printer again!   :D

It had to be karma somehow.  I'd tried that same thing yesterday, but only unplugged/replugged the power cord once.  Now I know to try twice!
Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week