experience with TOL on MAC OS

Started by helpdesk_cal, July 29, 2015, 06:39:28 PM

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HI All,

Recently we migrate our TAM in the cloud  :o and now we are using TAM online (TOL). So my question is, if someone have experience working on MAC laptop or desktop and connecting to TOL. So far I know its not supported to use any remote desktop client application on MAC OS, but I'm thinking on installing second operation system on MAC, one option is dual boot and other hardware virtualization application like Parallels Desktop.

Anyone with experience or any suggestions?

Dalibor Bozhinovski
System Administrator
CAL Insurance and Associates

Joshua Conner

I have used parallels it works pretty well if you want more mac just a splash of windows its the way to go.  If you spend most of your time in windows but love the mac hardware then dual boot.

Parallels has many updates and they arent free it was a pretty expensive software to run because I was always updating hoping it would get better.
Joshua Conner
Conner Insurance
Tam 2014 R2
Epic online with CSR24 and Salesforce Integration
39 Employees
Former Vice President Indiana Applied User Group
Webmaster http://www.appliedusergroup.com
Blog http://mylifewithtam.blogspot.com


Dalibor, welcome to AU!

I do not have experience with TOL on Mac, but I do regularly use a remote desktop app on Mac to do Windows updates, server maintenance, etc. during non-business hours and I have no issues whatsoever.
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security

Jeff Golas

Welcome to AU!

Microsoft actually has an official mac remote desktop app now as well.
Jeff Golas
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc. :: Newtown, PA
Epic Online w/CSR24


Quote from: Jeff Golas on July 30, 2015, 04:55:32 PM
Microsoft actually has an official mac remote desktop app now as well.

Forgot to mention that is the one I use!  8)
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security

Billy Welsh

I thought TOL was basically a Citrix environment.  Have to believe you can use their Apple/Mac client and at least do basic stuff.  Maybe not for the CSR with scanning and such, but I would think a sys admin could use it.
Billy Welsh
Director of Accounting
LCMC Health


Thanks for the feedback guys.

Yesterday i was able to install VirtaulBox on MacBook pro and Windows 10 like virtual instance. Inside Windows 10 was easy to install TOL and so far is working good everything (just need to set IE to be default browser). I will test in the next days to see if something come up. Btw Im aware that Windows 10 is not supported for TOL in this moment, just I give it a shot.
On the other side RDP  applications on MAC are not working, all of them are not supported from Applied (just to remote in TOL)

Also to mention, this project is for csr people who want to use TOL on personal computers.

If something new popup will share.



Quote from: helpdesk_cal on August 05, 2015, 12:33:27 PM
On the other side i was not able to use MAC RDP  applications, all of them are not supported from Applied (just to remote in TOL)

That's kind of funny - what's there to support on an RDP client?
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security


Quote from: Mark on August 05, 2015, 12:43:41 PM
That's kind of funny - what's there to support on an RDP client?

I agree, its should be easy and doable, but its giving me certificates errors.
Hope they will fix this soon.


Certificate errors, or warnings?

I know when I connect I have to trust the certificate and then I'm good to go.
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security


Quote from: Mark on August 07, 2015, 12:08:27 PM
Certificate errors, or warnings?

I know when I connect I have to trust the certificate and then I'm good to go.

Yes that is the usual popup and after accepting the cert its giving me the login form but after login in its kicking me out with error that connection was not established.

I dont have the mac in this moment to share the exact error but because applied support is not recommending and because its for regular csr user i didn't go deeper to investigate. Now with VM its working with no problems.