CL paperless workflow & email archiving

Started by Bobby Gurba, June 01, 2010, 08:45:56 AM

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Bobby Gurba

In the latest meeting I had with TPTB, they asked me to see if any other agencies out there were paperless in their CL department. They wanted to know if there were good workflows out there for this process and also, if there is any quick way to search the contents of the document after they have been scanned/archived (OCR?)

Also, if I am running an Exchange 2k server with about 70 users, is there any way that I can archive all my user's mailboxes for all mail that's older than a certain date?

As always, your input/suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Bobby Gurba
Information Technology Specialist
60 users. TAM 10.3. Fax @vantage 6.2


Three agencies I worked for and one I consulted with were all paperless in C/L.  Two of them used back-end scanning the first year or two then switched to front end.  Biggest gripe heard from C/L Account managers was that back-end scanning turned them into file clerks.  With front-end scanning, someone lower on the totem pole is doing the scanning and attaching. 

I suggest you select a group of C/L folks who are system savvy and have them put down current workflows then review them to see how scanning can be fit in.  I can guarantee they'll be happy with it once it's in force.  Makes it easier to cover for someone when they're out on vacation, or sick, etc.  Anyone can see the file without having to get up and search.  You can set up attachments to be similar to your current paper files, too.

Dana Brinkerhoff


PS.  Your Activity Codes and descriptions become KEY in a paperless environment.
Dana Brinkerhoff