Fujitsu fi-4120C making noise

Started by DebAmstutz, October 31, 2014, 10:11:05 AM

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I think it was one day last week when, on the first item I wanted so scan, the Fujitsu made a kind of screaming noise and the papers in it didn't move.  I removed the papers, and then opened it up to see if there was something caught in it, didn't see anything, and didn't see anything out of whack, but I blew it out, closed it up, and then it worked okay all day.

Every day since then, it has "screamed" on the first scan.  I open it up, tell it to straighten up, close it, and it works fine the rest of the day.  The "screaming" sound only happens on the first scan, never again during the day.  I can't imagine what's wrong since the sound doesn't happen more than once a day.  The scanner is probably 10 years old and has never given me problems until now.

Any ideas?
Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week


Okay, this is great - the first scan after I posted, a little rubber piece fell out of the scanner.  It has a mate on the other side of a metal piece that appears to be some kind of sensor or guide.  It is still scanning without that piece, but I think I will ask the boss if I can find another one that is not being used and swap out. 

It figures - I post here for help and then the problem solves itself - sort of!   ::)
Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week

Hans Manhave

"Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow"
Fantasy is more important than knowledge, because knowledge has its boundaries - Albert Einstein


It would really be nice if people put signs on things that don't work.  I did find a scanner that seems to be working well now, but it wasn't the first one I tried.  :-X
Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week