
Started by Andrew Carrick, March 19, 2010, 10:45:41 AM

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Andrew Carrick

We've never done this, only been on TAM 6 years but our Attachments drive is getting pretty large. I don't think there is an archive utility for Attachments so I wondered about just taking say 6th year back off onto a disc or a drive.

Anybpdy done anything like this and are there any issues? Main one I think is that we encrypt our attachments so wouldn't be able to get to them directly outside of TAM.
Jelf Insurance Partnership
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Me and TAM used to have a thing but we've split amicably. She got the kids, I got the Camaro and the maid.

Jeff Zylstra

Not sure that is necessary, Andrew.  I just looked in my Homebase - System Setup - EFiling - Attachment Routed Paths and here is what it had in it: "G:\ATTACH;G:\EIM;".  Since it indicated multiple search paths, I decided to go "surfing" to see if I could open some TIF files just by clicking on them.  What I found was that if I was logged into TAM, I could open the encrypted files just by surfing to them in Explore.Exe and clicking on them.   

I would think that this would mean that you could just add another drive and move folders older than a certain date over to the new drive and then add the search path in Homebase.  Drop in a new drive, RoboCopy some folders over to it and add the search path in Homebase.  Should work.

"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop

Andrew Carrick

Thanks Jeff, I'll give it a go.
Jelf Insurance Partnership
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Me and TAM used to have a thing but we've split amicably. She got the kids, I got the Camaro and the maid.

Andrew Carrick

Our attachments are pdf, doc, txt etc and I can't open them outside of TAM, even if I am logged into TAM.
Jelf Insurance Partnership
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Me and TAM used to have a thing but we've split amicably. She got the kids, I got the Camaro and the maid.


Your attachments can be moved to another drive, but you would need to move the entire \ATTACH folder and not selected years.  With TAM, it is all or none.

As to not being able to open files in the \ATTACH folder with known extensions... check to see if you have attachment encryption turned on.  Attachment files encrypted by TAM can only be opened from within the client.

Another caution... I have found many cases where attachments were first saved in 2004 (or earlier, sometimes in the \DOC folder) and are regularly edited by agency staff and resaved.  Deleting older folders can and usually will delete recent attachments.  Proceed with caution!
Randy Teich
Teich Data Services LLC

Andrew Carrick

Jelf Insurance Partnership
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Me and TAM used to have a thing but we've split amicably. She got the kids, I got the Camaro and the maid.