Looking for part time back office work

Started by Dawn (Shirley) Crawford, June 25, 2012, 09:36:38 PM

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Dawn (Shirley) Crawford

I'm looking to help an agency clean up back log on commercial policies, future application submission, large policy application or policy coverage review.  Even renewal certificates with large lists.  Anything that can be done part time remotely.
If you know of anyone, let me know.  If you would like a copy of my resume, let me know.


Lance Bateman

Would love to take advantage of this - but haven't gotten the okay (yet) to deal with a remote user.

Let me check again.

What time zone are you in?  Here in Hawaii, we're three hours behind the West Coast right now, it'll be two hours when the mainland goes off of daylight savings.


Check out WAHVE.com, too. 

Also, attend local ASCNet meetings. 

Both have found me similar positions.
Dana Brinkerhoff