More on Purging

Started by brinkerdana, May 08, 2012, 05:16:01 PM

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Saw attachment files by year on the L Drive in TAMOnline.  Could this be an easier way to remove attachments associated with a purge or would it cause problems system-wide?  I'd never seen those before so just wondered. 

On a similar subject:  Is there a UT to move all accounts marked inactive to prospects?
Dana Brinkerhoff

Lance Bateman

Not familiar with the specifics on TAMOnline - but I'd be leery of deleting without using the purge.
Not aware or any utility to move more than one account to prospects at a time.

Alice Mooney

Dana - if you delete the attachments by year, the attachments will still be in the list in Tam, but you will receive errors when you try to open them...because they are no longer deleted them.  Once you do an Activity purge, you will need to hit each client and delete them one at a time. I'm still doing this for the purge I did at the end of last year. Not Tam Online here but I can't see how it would be much different. I would think the purge process is the same in both places - Online or in-house.
Epic 2023 R2 Online
1000+ users


Thanks for the responses.  Just as I thought, but sure do wish that removing those files by year was the answer.  Could have saved so much time! 

I did see the Purge All Attachment options under the Customer attachments, but that would only work for  entire accounts lost prior to the purge date. 

Dana Brinkerhoff

Charlie Charbonneau

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember seeing somewhere that when you edit a file that has been previously attached it is still saved in the old location?  So deleting by year through explorer ALSO has the potential to delete something that's current but stored in an older date folder.
Charlie Charbonneau
GBMB Insurance
San Antonio TX.

EPIC 2022, CSR24, Windows 2012 Hyper-V & 2016, Win10/11 Pro Stations, Sophos Anti-Virus.
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Jeff Zylstra

Quote from: Charlie Charbonneau on May 09, 2012, 09:45:27 AM
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember seeing somewhere that when you edit a file that has been previously attached it is still saved in the old location?  So deleting by year through explorer ALSO has the potential to delete something that's current but stored in an older date folder.

I believe that you are correct.  The folder structure hierarchy of YEAR\MONTH\DAY is created when the file is originally attached, but the file is edited in place during an edit so I think you are correct.
"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop


Correct, they are saved in the old location. Recently during one of our discussions with Applied about our Epic conversion they told us the edited attachments got moved to the new date folder when edited. I told them, no, that is not true. They finally agreed!  In our conversion to Epic we are planning on bringing over attachments by "edit date" and so they have had to look into how to go about doing that.
George Watson
AssuredPartners NL, Louisville, KY
Epic 2022 R2, MU2