TAM v.11

Started by Andrew Carrick, October 03, 2011, 10:43:21 AM

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Andrew Carrick

Does anyone have an enhancements/bug fixes list for going from v.10 to v.11 that they can share please?
Jelf Insurance Partnership
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Me and TAM used to have a thing but we've split amicably. She got the kids, I got the Camaro and the maid.

Ian Blundell

It is mostly internal recoding of the remaining 16-bit accounting stuff to 32-bit plus so ACORD form updates that you probably don't care about.  Win7 is now fully supported and there is no more TAMHost screen.
We have been running it for for a couple of months now without any bugs or problems that affect our workflows.
Ian Blundell
BHB Insurance
35 users, TAM 10.7, Fax@vantage 7.2

Andrew Carrick

Thanks for that Ian, and to all those others who PM'd. I love you guys  8)  :-*
Jelf Insurance Partnership
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Me and TAM used to have a thing but we've split amicably. She got the kids, I got the Camaro and the maid.

Sara Lieser

I heard that defaulting data on certs is gone entirely in TAM 11.  Is that the case?

Also, can you still default holders?
Sara Lieser
Commercial CSR/Workflow
Mahowald Insurance Agency
Saint Cloud, MN
Epic 2014, 39 Users

Ray Alvarez

If you are talking about defaulting data from a previous certificate, yes that is gone.  You have to recreate them again from scratch from the apps in TAM.  However, you CAN default certificate holders from previous certificates as was the case in the past.
Ray Alvarez, AAI, AIS
Petschauer Insurance Agency
New York City
TAM 2014;
Exchange; Win2003 Server; 15 Users
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