New WIN7 Workstations - RAM?

Started by Billy Welsh, August 04, 2011, 10:33:27 AM

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Billy Welsh

What amount of RAM are you putting in your WIN7 PC's?

Billy Welsh
Director of Accounting
LCMC Health

Bloody Jack Kidd

I'd go with 4GB for 32-bit Win7 - max it out.  8GB is a pretty good # for the 64-bit systems, unless there is a pressing need for gobs of RAM.

Sysadmin - Parallel42

Jeff Zylstra

4 Gigs.  Since nothing above that can be accessed by 32 bit Windows, and TAM doesn't support 64 bit Windows yet, adding more RAM is a waste of money.   There's probably a couple folks here who have figured out how to run TAM on 64 bit Windows, but it's still not officially supported.  Unless that's changing with TAM 11.0.   
"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop

Billy Welsh

I am running TAM on my 64-bit machine, but doing so with an XP VM.  Only real gripe I have is inability to use > 1 monitor (which may be due to my limited knowledge).

I also have 8GB of RAM and am disappointed in the performance.  Has crashed/locked a number of times, I regularly get "low resources" messages from Outlook, and Acrobat also runs low on resources.

Yes, I abuse the hell out of it, but that was the point of spending extra $ on the hardware and getting 64-bit.
Billy Welsh
Director of Accounting
LCMC Health

Jeff Zylstra

I've heard others complain that that setup doesn't run as fast as they think it should.  I don't run any of these so I'm not familiar with it, but I would think that you could assign more memory to certain process or virtual machines to help the low resources and speed issues.  Someone here should have an idea if this is possible and how to do it.
"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop