Custom Decs - running into real issue

Started by Lance Bateman, January 27, 2011, 06:25:53 PM

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Lance Bateman

Okay, Bonds (except for those that can use Fidelity form) are custom.

Now - my problem.  When I try to pull up any custom dec this agency supposedly has, I get an error "No files found to copy (H:Apps\abcd.ndx, where abcd is the policy type name).

Looking in that location, there is nothing.  If I look in Tam\Decs, I do find records indicating a custom dec form.  However they are almost all dated in 1998!

Whenever I try to pull up an existing custom dec to a file on the system, I get a "general protection fault" error.  And now if someone else tries to pull it up, I apparently have the file locked.  Not sure what I need to delete to clear that lock.

I do have Windows Classic on my terminal.

1.  Any idea why I'm getting a general protection fault?
2.  Any idea why when I go into utilities, I'm getting that error?
3.  What do I need to do to get rid of the policy lock I apparently created?

Thanks - obviously, I have a lot to do to clean this up.  I'm thinking they never updated custom decs as file structures changed over the years.

Andrew Carrick

Sounds like they may have had a Bond custom dec but subsequently deleted it? Can you see APCUSTOM.DBF and APCUSTO2.DBF in H:/Apps? See if you can open those and have a look at what's there - use a copy!

Check the Windows Appearance color scheme is also set to Classic, we've had that issue before.

Re the Lock - is it error "cannot create background number" or similar? Use TAM Host to close app.exe (in the UK it is appuk.exe, so not sure what you'll see) (or via Task Manager).

Hope this helps.
Jelf Insurance Partnership
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Me and TAM used to have a thing but we've split amicably. She got the kids, I got the Camaro and the maid.

Orlando Alonzo

I would try a reindex and running the rebuild lines of business indicator.
Orlando F. Alonzo III
RPM Insurance Agency • Staten Island, NY •

Jan Regnier

Quote from: Lance Bateman on January 27, 2011, 06:25:53 PM

Whenever I try to pull up an existing custom dec to a file on the system, I get a "general protection fault" error.  And now if someone else tries to pull it up, I apparently have the file locked.  Not sure what I need to delete to clear that lock.

What is the LOCK detail when someone tries to access that file/client?
Jan Regnier
Meyers Glaros Group, Merrillville, IN 26 Users
EPIC 2020, Office 365, Indio

Andrew Carrick

Seems to be a file in AS_LOCK, called PXXXXXXX.n where XXXXXXX is TAM ref and n is a number.
Jelf Insurance Partnership
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Me and TAM used to have a thing but we've split amicably. She got the kids, I got the Camaro and the maid.

Lance Bateman

This is just turning into "so much fun".
Nothing found in H:\Apps or G:\Apps - now trying to figure out where things have gone.
Looked for that type of "lock" in AS_Locks, and nothing was found.
Reindexing was done last night.  Rebuild sections will be done tonight. 
I suspect from various comments that custom decs were set up LONG ago, never maintained, and may have been totally screwed.  Now trying to look at best way to clean things up without losing the ability to delete very old policy screens that are in "current" and per the system have a custom dec attached.

Jan Regnier


The docs I have from AS regarding LOCKs:

Policy has been locked by ...

1.  At desktop , double click MY COMPUTER icon.
2.  Double click the icon for your TAM network drive.
3.  Double click the AS_LOCK folder.
4.  Click on the Pcccccc.* file (where cccccc is the customer code)
5.  Click on FILE on the menubar and click DELETE.  Click YES if prompted to confirm.
6.  Close all windows.

Jan Regnier
Meyers Glaros Group, Merrillville, IN 26 Users
EPIC 2020, Office 365, Indio