Tam customer Filter...

Started by Charlie Charbonneau, May 03, 2011, 12:57:32 PM

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Charlie Charbonneau

You never know what you're missing till you look for it... How come we don't have a general TAM thread???  We have Doris, Epic, Accounting, hardware, MS, Fax@vantage, but no TAM... Am I crazy? 

Anyways, on to the real reason I'm here, and maybe it's just for Andy to pass on.  But I've noticed on 10.7(on a win7 Machine anyways) if the customer filter has nothing to return (filtered too much) instead of just returning nothing it crashes the customer list.  Not responding, Ugly screens, clicking Options to turn off the filter at the bottom of the screen results in an error.  Closing the customer list to homebase and reopening just reapplies the bad filter.  The filter can effectively be turned off by the option menu button at the top of the customer listing.   :o  seems a little glitchy...
Charlie Charbonneau
GBMB Insurance
San Antonio TX.

EPIC 2022, CSR24, Windows 2012 Hyper-V & 2016, Win10/11 Pro Stations, Sophos Anti-Virus.
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Lance Bateman

That's not a new problem, previously existed and not yet resolved.


Agreed...not a new problem, have seen it on 10.4 here
George Watson
AssuredPartners NL, Louisville, KY
Epic 2022 R2, MU2

Charlie Charbonneau

Ok then bringing it to light again!  ANDY!!!!!  :P
Charlie Charbonneau
GBMB Insurance
San Antonio TX.

EPIC 2022, CSR24, Windows 2012 Hyper-V & 2016, Win10/11 Pro Stations, Sophos Anti-Virus.
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