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HP Procurve 1800 series

Started by Bloody Jack Kidd, September 22, 2010, 10:26:19 AM

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Bloody Jack Kidd

Anyone got one of these?  I have an 1810-G and it has a real annoying habit of reverting to it's original config every time it loses power, which means the mgmt interface disappears and ends up back at (default).

i flashed the firmware to latest P_1.17 - still the same.  HP forums are full of complaints of similar nature.  So this is both a question and a warning to others - although i've had great luck with Procurves in the past, this model line seems flawed and rather crappy.
Sysadmin - Parallel42


I have an 1800-24G (J9028B), Hardware Version R01, Software Version PB.03.01 and I do not believe that I have the same issue.  I recently unplugged it during an extended power outage so that it would not suck the UPS battery while our voice mail was still alive.  It was unplugged for over 2 hours and the config did not reset.

Is this the same 1800-G as you speak of?

I have some VLANs on it, so if it did reset to default, I would expect to know right away.  Though, I'm not sure this would have been the first place I'd check for failure until now!

Eh, I just now realized that you said 1810-G, but I'll leave my response unchanged.
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security

Bloody Jack Kidd

Sysadmin - Parallel42


I was going to move to all procurve because of the lifetime warranty (which I think is only on the ports?) however, I will likely move to all managed Cisco switches when it comes time to replace what I have.  My reasoning is quite simple: ease of use.  That might make people laugh, but if you want to know what your switch is doing and what it's not, all you have to do is look at the config.  Configs can be stored in a human readable format for later use, for verification, for studying, for sharing, for comparing, for replicating, etc.

After using simple web managed this and that, Sonicwall, Procurve, LinkSys, netgear, etc, I have always come back to the desire to have a config file to look at.  A web interface can still be nice, I'm not completely knocking it -- and they are simple to use and do have their place.  I am just done with them.  Ooh, and don't get me started on Dell switches.  Cheap, efficient (I guess) and get the job done, but don't ever try to log into 3 at a time in one browser because it wont be fun.  Even after logging out of one and trying to log into the other I still have to clear my cache for the login to work.  No clue why and refuse to put forth the effort to troubleshoot.

Lastly, what I now *require* in a switch is the friggen MAC table.  Don't tell me a switch is managed unless I can map a MAC address to a switch port!  /soapbox

Hope you can get it worked out or replaced.  Otherwise you could just change your entire subnet to match the default of the procurve and let it keep resetting itself! ;)
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security

Bloody Jack Kidd

Quote from: Mark on September 22, 2010, 02:28:55 PM
Otherwise you could just change your entire subnet to match the default of the procurve and let it keep resetting itself! ;)

Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind!
Sysadmin - Parallel42


Quote from: Rick Chisholm on September 22, 2010, 02:32:09 PM

Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind!

I'm telling you man.. going back to Cisco.

We went from Cisco, to Dell, I dabbled in the Procurve arena because I was liking what I saw, but now that I have been through all that I know where I will end up.  I just might have to close my eyes when I see the price!
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security

Bloody Jack Kidd

I have an older Procurve here - it is awesome and has a CLI.  

We also have gobs of Cisco gear...
Sysadmin - Parallel42


Yeah, I was using one at the school where I volunteer and it was also CLI, however it was more like a select this, select that menu.  There was no "show run" or any of that.  I think it gets props because it had the MAC table though, so there is 1 thing useful ;)

Having the MAC table might seem useless to some, but start doing anything more than plug and play and it's the bees knees.
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security

Bloody Jack Kidd

Sysadmin - Parallel42

Bloody Jack Kidd

...and for you esp.

ProCurve Switch 2650# sh mac

Status and Counters - Port Address Table

  MAC Address   Located on Port
  ------------- ---------------
  0000aa-642457 49
  0000aa-a1e2bf 49
  000400-e39c0d 6
  00095b-5844a4 4
  000bdb-8593a0 49
  000bdb-8ba0ca 49
  000cf1-87d527 49   
Sysadmin - Parallel42


Beautiful.  that's a real switch I would not complain about!
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security

Bloody Jack Kidd

yeah - even though it's totally displaced by the cisco gear, I keep in running in the DR area... I can't shelf it.
Sysadmin - Parallel42

Jeff Golas

Mark, I have literally a dozen Procurves here - 7 on the data side and I think 5 poe procurves on the VOIP side. All have a CLI that works VERY simliarly to Cisco. sh run and all that works fine on them. If you want you can give me a call on Skype sometime and I can show you how they work. They're also stackable so you can manage x number if switches with only one IP address if thats important to ya.

To Rick/OP, did you save the config? Commands are simliar to Cisco, so I think its write config or something like that. If you go into the menu it usually asks if you want to save the running config first before continuing.
Jeff Golas
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc. :: Newtown, PA
Epic Online w/CSR24

Bloody Jack Kidd

Quote from: Jeff Golas on October 12, 2010, 03:55:48 PM
To Rick/OP, did you save the config? Commands are simliar to Cisco, so I think its write config or something like that. If you go into the menu it usually asks if you want to save the running config first before continuing.

The 1800 is no 2600 - I can dbl-check, but AFAIK, no telnet, no serial, no console interface... problem is... it loses it's IP address, which means gaining any access to it requires heroic measures (overly dramatic, but you get the picture)
Sysadmin - Parallel42

Jeff Golas

Looked it up and it does seem to be web-only management. I also saw this:

Dual flash images: provides independent primary and secondary operating system files for backup while upgrading New!

So maybe you need to save your running config to the primary flash somehow? It may be due for a firmware upgrade too.
Jeff Golas
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc. :: Newtown, PA
Epic Online w/CSR24