Certificate of Insurance questions

Started by Mark, October 01, 2014, 02:01:00 PM

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It was requested that I ask the following questions regarding certificates of insurance (we are using CSR24 again):

•   How agents are getting updated renewal certs back from their insured?
•   Do they issue the certs if the renewal list is not received?
•   What about the waste (certs that are no longer needed that are printed because the insured did not update their list?)?

Any feedback is appreciated - thanks!
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security


Okay, I don't work with certs, but if I did, I think I'd require an updated list BEFORE any were issued at renewal.  The client actually should be responsible for that, in my opinion.  Perhaps something like "wouldn't you prefer if this document was sent ONLY to those who need it?" might help persuade the client to purge the unnecessary holders from the list. 
Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week


•   How agents are getting updated renewal certs back from their insured?
                We send an exported spreadsheet to the customer for them to update.  We clean up the spreadsheet to make it readable for the client.  This is done during our pre-renewal process.

•   Do they issue the certs if the renewal list is not received?
                We call them and discuss with them to get the renewal certs issued correctly.

•   What about the waste (certs that are no longer needed that are printed because the insured did not update their list?)?
                Because we are on top of this, we inactive the ones no longer need, prior to printing to avoid the waste.

Direct from the response of someone here who knows.
Coral Benton
Epic Online

Jan Regnier

We send the list to clients to update.  We don't export because most of the certs we do have Addl insureds, Waiver of Subro etc that doesn't print (although it may in TAM14 ) when the info extends to NOTES for that holder.   If our lists were just basic Holder info we would export - because then you can import when you get the list back.

We don't have a problem getting the list back.... we will f/u on the progress.

There is some waste but not much anymore since are lists are pretty cleaned up.

Jan Regnier
Meyers Glaros Group, Merrillville, IN 26 Users
EPIC 2020, Office 365, Indio

Toni Forte

We too use CSR24 and pretty much follow exactly what Coral detailed.
Toni Forte
Systems Administrator
Cline Wood, a Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC company
Sagitta/ImageRight, CSR24, Server 2008 R2, 2012, VMware, ESXi
Former TAM2014MU1, eTfile 4.8


Thanks everyone!  I have been pasting and forwarding your responses  :)
Mark Piontek, MBA
Director of Information Systems
BS in Information Systems Security