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Printer of choice?

Started by Hans Manhave, December 05, 2012, 02:53:54 PM

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Charlie Charbonneau

Yes we have one and it works very well.  We bough the canon and love it, but there is also an Epson version as well.  The conventions sound interesting!  Maybe some year!  We've bought the "Ink" refill bottles but have yet to attempt the actual re-fill! 

  Jim, once you've printed to the icing paper or rice paper it is consumable.  My assumption would be the quantity ingested becomes the issue.  I wouldn't want to drink that stuff straight from the bottle anyways!  That would be a worse dye job than food coloring!

Another tidbit is that if you ever put real ink into the printer it ruins the printer forever as an edible inkjet printer.
Charlie Charbonneau
GBMB Insurance
San Antonio TX.

EPIC 2022, CSR24, Windows 2012 Hyper-V & 2016, Win10/11 Pro Stations, Sophos Anti-Virus.
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Jeff Golas

I ended up getting a Laserjet Pro 200 for my need (a work-at-home user) and so far he's happy with it. Pretty easy to set up and configure, supports Airprint, and (amazingly) the drivers installed with no hassles.
Jeff Golas
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc. :: Newtown, PA
Epic Online w/CSR24