Applicaiton Pre-fills

Started by Sara Lieser, March 16, 2012, 10:57:59 AM

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Sara Lieser

I see that we can program applications with prefills and that when adding a new line for that coverage staff can choose to use the appropriate pre-fill.  Is there a way to set a pre-filled application as the only option or a way to program default values? 

I see that we can set default values on the client detail screen and billing detail screens but we would like to do the same type of thing with applicaitons.
Sara Lieser
Commercial CSR/Workflow
Mahowald Insurance Agency
Saint Cloud, MN
Epic 2014, 39 Users

Lance Bateman

I don't believe you can set pre-fills as the only option - and I'm not sure you'd want to.  What if a customer is choosing higher limits than the prefill?

Sherry Burrell

Pre-fills are just defaults - you can always change the limits on the apps.  Plus you can set up multiple defaults for one app - ex. 100/300/50, 100/300/100, 250/500/100 as three different auto defaults.
Sherry Burrell
Oakbridge Insurance Agency-Duluth GA
Epic Online w/CSR24, +500 users