New question on Property app for Proposal

Started by Lance Bateman, August 17, 2011, 03:42:38 PM

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Lance Bateman

Okay, gotta new one - still on the Property App.

I finally got it through my head that the Addl Interest info doesn't work in the same replicate area as the rest of the info found by location and building (such as SOI, etc.).  Now trying to build the info for Addl Interest.

Haven't found an AB Solutions or TAM form that includes this, at least yet.

Anyone know what would be the variable to bring in so I can do the replicate for the locations/risks on Addl Interest?  There is a "" variable in screen 3, but that didn't do it - didn't error and kill the table, but nothing showed.  I also tried the location/building from screen 2, but that made the table disappear.

Appreciate ANY help here.

Lance Bateman

A little background – this agency brought me in last December to get the P/C part of this agency cleaned up – procedures, training, accounting, etc – and now working on proposals (thanks to everyone who has helped jog my memory).  Prior comments, you might have a hint of the flavor of what I walked into.

Just looking at the currently in force commercial property policies, I found over 100 different abbreviations for the various SOI's (Subject of Insurance).  Obviously, I have something else to clean up going forward.

There was no way I could nest that many "if" statements, so I played around, and found this works instead  See the attached page shot.

Basically, what this does is test if the subject of insurance is blank – then it does nothing.
If it's not blank, it then asks, with the abbreviation in the SOI for that location showing in the ask question, and you type in what it stands for.
If does have one bug, that it shows what you typed in for the first SOI1 when you come to the next one (for the next location).

But I was able to copy this into the cells in my replicated table, and just change the SOI numbers in the formula for each cell.

This worked, and gets me past what I thought was going to be a disaster to figure out on the nesting issue.  And it eliminates the very deep nesting to handle the SOI situation on the Property App in Proposals.

Hope this is of use – thought I'd pass this on as a paltry "thanks" for the help you've offered.