Comm PCKG Help/Advice Please

Started by Alice, May 09, 2011, 03:56:05 PM

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Does anyone know where I can get good documentation on how to create commercial package policies correctly and how and why to set up the Company File Interface Setup? Insurance here is saying Zürich's policies are not downloading correctly but they are downloading as PCKG like they said they would be. I believe it's the insurance users lack of knowledge about this that is the real problem and I would like to give them something from Applied or something from someone who has extensive experience with this.
I've searched the KB and the documentation at Applied's site and either I'm searching incorrectly or there is nothing there. I found a little something in the Tam Help file "Add a Commercial Package Policy" but it's a how-to, not a how-to and why and how to report and maintain them.

I found this in the KB but it really doesn't help much. Is there anything out there that I can give to insurance and say "this is they way it's done" so they stop arguing with me about correct procedure and how they think it should be done (which is always the lazy way)?

Sorry if I seem mean about all this, but everything is always a huge fight with them sometimes that I'm thinking about tending bar instead of all this.

Jim Jensen

Typically, "not downloading correctly" means that there is a mis-match between the data sent and which fields are populated versus how the user wants to use Acord form fields. In commercial lines, particularly the property application, many of the fields are grossly misused. I understand why - the application isn't really written to store policy info, it's written to send underwriting info to the carriers. However, given that it's what we have to work with, they need to be used correctly. I would ask them to specifically show you the problems. Without knowing the specific issues, it's very difficult to say much more. The commercial package is the most complex policy to download because of multiple lines and varying amounts of data that are sent.
Jim Jensen
CIC, CEO, CIO, COO, CFO, Producer, CSR, Claims Handler, janitor....whatever else.
Jensen Ford Insurance


Jim - as far as I know, no one changes anything on the apps for any reason, but I could be wrong as I'm not told everything.  I think there's confusion about the package structure and how to set it up so the downloads do what they are supposed to. They want little to no manual intervention for any of it.
For example, this is what I mean by being setup correctly.

1001 = PCKG
1002 = CA-S
1003 = GENL
All download info is entered in Company File Interface Setup.

1 - Now, insurance is telling me that the downloads are not updating the package parts and are going to Suspense and when assigned out, are creating another policy screen (2001). I say the person assigning Suspense is doing it wrong, but if the policy detail is set up correctly, why would it go to Suspense in the first place?

2 - from what I'm seeing downloaded in closed Activities to what the policy detail is right now, someone is changing it to something other than what it should be but no one is saying who since nothing gets recorded when a change is made to the detail. I may not be the smartest cookie in the jar, but I've been working with Tam long enough to know how to read the download and know that someone changed it.

I was just hoping that there was something about the initial setup and how to make sure all is set up right, not anything about manually updating apps that download from the company. I wanted to include a screen shot of the setup but someone's processing Suspense and I can't access right now. I think I may be missing something but am unsure.
Every time I tell and show them the right way to do things, there's always controversy and it's getting old.


Spoke with an Applied tech this morning and got a good lesson on commercial package.  I understand most of it now and have to explain to insurance. One of my questions about the setup was whether or not to check Create AP Billing Screen and/or Update AP Premium. I think it best not to check them, if I'm understanding what the tech explained to me, mainly because of the way Zurich sends the downloads.
So now we need to fix what the users did so the download does not create new sections. I saw that some policy types had their own policy screen and it should be package because they all have the same policy number.  I'm sure there's more to learn as this is just the beginning.
Over in the ASCnet Forums, Bonnie Two Bears gave some excellent resources regarding commercial applications.  Here's a link to the thread in case someone would like to take a look. Not sure if it will work (the link) but it's worth a try.


And thank you Andy for the off line help. +1   ;)
