Change Fiscal Year utility - One Thing To Watch For

Started by deb.landrum, January 18, 2010, 11:34:51 AM

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Here's the history:
We have recently modified our agency set up.  We had Applied assist us with
running the Fiscal Year Conversion utility - we changed from a mid-year to
Calendar Year FYE.  We also switched all of our production from Agency 2 to
Agency 1.  We added about 10 department codes.  The one thing that we have
noticed is the change in handling of Miscellaneous Journal Entries.
Previously, when a Journal Entry was made as a Credit to a Cash Journal and
a Debit to another account, the system changed the J/E from its assigned
number to a Miscellaneous Disbursement.  Likewise, a Debit to a Cash Journal
and a Credit another account was chaged from the assigned J/E number to a
Miscellaneous Deposit.

After making the Agency Setup changes, we have noticed that now the above
described Journal Entries and left intact as J/E items and are available for
modification by going into Journal Entries and selecting Update Journal

Don't get me wrong, we certainly do not MIND this change as we were
frustrated in the past having to chase down the MS items.  I just am one of
those "inquiring minds" that wants to know why??

Here's what we now know:
As it turned out, the conversion of the FY utility evidently did not put the
Cash Account flag in the data.  I spoke with my wonderful Corporate
Accounting Support tech and we used TAMDBFR to make the correction.

And to confirm Meghan's note - yes, the entries made up to the point where
the correction was made, will be viewed by the reconciliation as already
"cleared" through the reconciliation.  We are fortunate in that our bank
statement close date is the end of the month, so these entries will be
handled within this month.

The odd thing was that this bug seemed tied to the first month of the FY.
We made the change to the FY in conjunction with closing the books out for
October, and the J/Es that were made in November and December that should
have been Misc Disbursements and/or Deposits were properly converted.  So, I
don't know for certain if the bug was sitting there all the time or only
activated when the COA replicated.

At least it is fairly easily fixed, but is definitely something for anyone
else who is doing the same thing to watch for!
Deb Landrum, AAM, AIT
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