Required Activity - able to handle differently in prospects and customers?

Started by Lance Bateman, April 27, 2011, 07:50:24 PM

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Lance Bateman

I am finally getting to where producers will do most of their work in prospects, and not customers.

I've been asked if it's possible for them to not always do an activity for so many things they do in prospects.  It appears require activities is a system setup, and doesn't differentiate between prospects and customers.

Is this the case?  Anyone know of a way to require in customer but not in prospect?

Andrew Carrick

I don't think it's possible unfortunately. I think the thing to do would be try and sell them the benfits of doing it - audit trail surely being one.
Jelf Insurance Partnership
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Me and TAM used to have a thing but we've split amicably. She got the kids, I got the Camaro and the maid.

Jan Regnier

Quote from: Andrew Carrick on April 28, 2011, 05:14:13 AM
I don't think it's possible unfortunately. I think the thing to do would be try and sell them the benfits of doing it - audit trail surely being one.

and a good habit to have formed when they go over to Customers!
Jan Regnier
Meyers Glaros Group, Merrillville, IN 26 Users
EPIC 2020, Office 365, Indio

Lance Bateman

I agree from an E&O viewpoint I'd prefer to have them - and we are going to a situation in May where producers will only be able to "view" most things in customers - I'm tired of them doing change request, claims, etc. and setting up prospects in customers - writing over a prior change request or claim, not completing the activity accurately, setting up a policy screen that was never written - and reports are shibai.

So they will be working mostly in Prospects, CSRs responsible for doing accurate coding if written and moved to customers - except for activities in Customers, producers are to do.  (Set them up a code, AGTF - agent follow up - they can use instead of searching through a long list to find one - though I've pushed them to also use PHON).

I want the producers out selling, not inside learning (or not learning) TAM.


Agree that prospects should have forced activities if you have them in customer.  Producers need to learn to use them properly.  Activities in prospects can be linked to Outlook calendars (or is tasks?) for producers, too.

In your situation, forced activities for all is a pretty good idea.  Could you give someone, team leader, or supervisor, permission to delete activities if someone goofs up?

Dana Brinkerhoff


I agree that producers need to sell, but if they can perform the basic functions in TAM it's also a help to the CSRs who then have a lot less "cleanup" to do.  When they know their workflows, it takes less time for everyone.
Deb Amstutz
Missing TAM 5 days a week