Installing Tam to new server

Started by Alice, February 24, 2011, 12:49:24 PM

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Bloody Jack Kidd

Administrative Tools may be hidden if you do not have high enough privileges...

Sysadmin - Parallel42


I can get there. I'm thinking I need to go to MS web site and install it. I thought it automatically installs with Tam or fax@, but I could be wrong.  But it's not on my workstation either. It's on my home PC, but that's not helping.
Tomorrow's another day...

Update:  when I looked at Add/Remove Programs, I saw other versions of .Net but not 1.1. So I snagged it from Microsoft's site, installed it and then it was in Administrative Tools. I made the changes as instructed and tested the download successfully.
So everything is complete and now it's up to the users to call in any problems if there are any. One server down, one to go (fax@).
Thank you everyone for you help. Couldn't have done it all without you!

Jeff Zylstra

Have you installed the DOTNETFIX program from your Tam drive:\Wintam\Updates\Installs folder?  This installs the .NET 1.1 that TAM will look to for printing routines and other things as well.  I would think that this got installed already, but you never know.
"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop


Never thought of that. Do you think I should still run it to be on the safe side in case there's more to be done aside from just installing 1.1?

Jeff Zylstra

Check the Add/Remove programs in XP to see if Microsoft .NET is installed.  You will probably see at least 2 versions of it including 1.1.  If you don't see it there, then definitely install it. 

On second thought however, I don't think that this is the issue since there are a lot of other things that would be in Administrative Tools, like Services, System Configuration, Component Services, etc...  Many of these would be there whether or not .NET was installed or not.  Go to Add/Remove Programs and go through the Windows Add Components dialogue.  I bet that they were not installed from there.  I think someone else may have alluded to this earlier, but that is probably where you would find them in XP.
"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop


Quote from: Jeff Zylstra on March 07, 2011, 09:58:24 AM
Check the Add/Remove programs in XP to see if Microsoft .NET is installed.  You will probably see at least 2 versions of it including 1.1.  If you don't see it there, then definitely install it. 

On second thought however, I don't think that this is the issue since there are a lot of other things that would be in Administrative Tools, like Services, System Configuration, Component Services, etc...  Many of these would be there whether or not .NET was installed or not.  Go to Add/Remove Programs and go through the Windows Add Components dialogue.  I bet that they were not installed from there.  I think someone else may have alluded to this earlier, but that is probably where you would find them in XP.
Not knowing (remembering) about the DotNetFix, I ended up getting 1.1 from MS's site and was good to go. Downloads worked fine through NU.

Jeff Zylstra

Another satisfied AU customer!  ;D
"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop


Yuppers!! you got a karma from me as well as Matt also for suggesting the batch file to run asupdate. Worked like a charm!!
Now...I have anther question about Hyper-V virtual PC that I'll start a new thread for since this one is done. NU taking 3 hours longer than the average before the new server. Will explain there...

Jeff Zylstra

Cool!  I'm storing up karma for when I get in trouble  ;)  And kudos to Matt for suggesting both the batch file and also the psexec suggestion.  I love psexec because I can do stuff on people's machine without kicking them off.  Often times, they don't even know I'm doing things in the background!  And, I can store things in a batch file and just edit the batch file for which machines I need to run the utility on. Very cool!
"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop


Quote from: Jeff Zylstra on March 07, 2011, 04:24:41 PM
Cool!  I'm storing up karma for when I get in trouble  ;)  And kudos to Matt for suggesting both the batch file and also the psexec suggestion. Very cool!

just realized I have 10 karma. wish I could remember when and why  :D