need help

Started by Andy, December 21, 2010, 02:11:21 PM

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Calling out my opinionated friends!  Here's your chance to let us know what your priorities are for 2011 so we can better help you achieve them!

Please take a minute (only 1 and you can stop after that if you haven't finished) .. and let us know your thoughts on what YOU think will be the key insurance agent and broker trends as well as priority shifts in 2011.

Please visit this link to take our quick 1 minute survey.

Bloody Jack Kidd

+1 for Andy for showing up during the Yule Celebration!

Sysadmin - Parallel42

Jeff Zylstra

I just took the survey, and it really is short.  +1 for telling the truth about it being brief, and if I could, +1 for even showing up on the "unofficial" site at all!   

I love it when Applied logs in and visits with us users!  I think it's a quantum leap in communications for Applied, and I hope that they make a regular habit of stopping in to talk with us here.  I can almost guarantee them that there will be no shortage of opinions! 
"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office"  -  Aesop


Quote from: Jeff Zylstra on December 21, 2010, 03:32:22 PM
I can almost guarantee them that there will be no shortage of opinions! 

Thanks Jeff.  I'm never too far away.  Keeping my finger on the pulse of the people.  And yes, I know where to go when looking for opinions. :)

Hans Manhave

You did notice that he shows up on the day of a party! 

Maybe we should have more parties to attract more people?  Another topic for a survey.
Fantasy is more important than knowledge, because knowledge has its boundaries - Albert Einstein