Conglomerate Attachments

Started by Sara Lieser, October 02, 2010, 08:38:41 AM

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Sara Lieser

What rules do you have for attaching documents that apply to more than one customer?  We have a conglomerate customer that involves 19 different TAM customers; documents can pertain to any combination of these customers.  Do you attach to all pertinent customers or do you designate a "home" for each policy?
Sara Lieser
Commercial CSR/Workflow
Mahowald Insurance Agency
Saint Cloud, MN
Epic 2014, 39 Users

Ray Alvarez

We have the same problem with our conglomerates.  This is what we do:  If it deals with a particular child, we attach it to that child and the parent.  If it deals with corporate structure or setup, it goes in the parent only.  We have an Excel spreadsheet for each conglomerate that we attach to the Parent.  It lists each company under it, its FEIN, purpose and officers.  However, there are certain attachments that deal with many of the children, but not all and in those cases, we also attach them to each child.  It's not perfect, so we would also appreciate any suggestions.
Ray Alvarez, AAI, AIS
Petschauer Insurance Agency
New York City
TAM 2014;
Exchange; Win2003 Server; 15 Users
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Sara Lieser

So far we have considered:

1. Enter a billing screen for all parent and child policies into a designated TAM client which would act as a home-base for document attaching and activities.  Leave the "real" billing screen and apps in the proper parent and/or child and do all transacting - changes and invoicing where the "real" billing screens and apps exist.

Pro's: There is one place for the CSR and Producer to look for activities and documents
Con's: This method creates a dummy customer and the "real customers" in TAM need to have notes pointing users to the dummy.

2. Attach all documents to all customers that it applies to.

Pro's: You can find anything you may need from any client it pertains to.
Con's: Attaching takes a lot of time; more steps is more chance for error.

3. Attach documents that apply to more than one entity to the first named insured only.
Pro's: Each item is only attached once - less CSR time
Con's: You need a map in every customer and that map must be kept up - another thing to manage in addition to the normal service work.

What are your thoughts?
Sara Lieser
Commercial CSR/Workflow
Mahowald Insurance Agency
Saint Cloud, MN
Epic 2014, 39 Users

Gene Foraker

With a modified option 2 you could add an activity to the other accounts with a description of the attachment and the account to which it was added.     Might save a little time and would certainly save disk space.
Gene Foraker CPCU
Gates-Foraker Insurance Agency
Norton, OH

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Judy Means


We are considering a system for these huge accounts that you might consider.  We do use Paperport, but you may have some type equivalent that you are using.   

Each CSR would set up each of their larger accounts in PaperPort (accounts with over X number of policies), with sub-folders for each policy type they have.  We would scan the main policy into each sub-folder policy type.  As endorsements are added for that policy year, we scan them into the correct sub-folder.  So say for the CGL, in that sub-folder you would have the new/renewal policy, end#1 date (description), end#2 date (description) and so on.   

In your case you could easily copy the endorsement to as many of the children accounts as is necessary.  Doesn't take that much time. 

At the end of the policy year after all endorsements, audits, etc are in, we would stack each policy and additions to that policy, and at that time, attach the one policy into TAM labeling it the CGL - XX to XX policy term description. 

We would store all of this out on the server so it would get backed up each night. This is just a thought.  There  are variants of doing it this way. 

As I said, we are just considering this as our commercial department is getting ready to go paperless finally.  It's not set in stone yet. 

Judy Means
West Texas Insurance Exchange, Inc.
Odessa, Texas
TAM8.5 and other goodies


Sounds good to me, Judy.

We did something similar with marketing files in PPT a few years ago. 
Dana Brinkerhoff